Monday, June 16, 2014

~ Day 6 ~ TA-DA!!!! Cleaning & Organizing The Master Bedroom Finale!!!!

YIPPEE!!! We are on the final leg of getting the Master Bedroom conquered!

By now we should've gone through every nook'n'crannie! Every corner and drawer. Even under the bed.
And now it is time to put it all back together and make it look fabulous!
Today I will show you some ideas on corralling all those drawers holding our undies and accessories

This is so easy to make! Paint a frame any color you like, distress and attach chicken wire to the back and VOILA!


This would be super easy to make.  
Earring Holder:Frame of choice, 
Plastic Needlepoint Canvas, Glue. 
Necklace Holder is 2 Key Holders you can get at Walmart.
This could be hung on the wall of your walk-in closet. Or anywhere!!

{Mini Manor Blog}

This would be another easy project to make for your Jewelry.
It is made by attaching cup hooks to bamboo cutlery trays.
It could be costly though. She found them at Walmart $10.00 ea.

{Oh the Places We'll Go}

 Now this is a very inexpensive way to store you earrings and other small pieces of jewelry. If you have the drawer space, this looks like its a nightstand drawer, then all you need is 2 ice cube trays. Very smart!


One good way to organize your unmentionables is Drawer Dividers.  Here's an idea, if you have different sizes of shoe boxes or similar you could cover them with wrapping paper so they will be pretty and then arrange them to fit nicely in your drawer. 

This would be a good way to organize all your hair bands, butterfly clips,
 even makeup would work organize in these plastic crates.
Remember those drawer organizers I showed you from the Dollar Tree? 
Those would be perfect here!

Nightstands are a great source of storage.

 Make use of all the closet space you have no matter how big or how small.

 Also do not forget about OVER THE DOOR STORAGE!!

If your bedroom is also your office space you are going to want to come back tomorrow as I give you ideas of how to keep  IT FROM CONSUMING YOUR DOWN TIME SPACE!!!!!

Encouragement For The Spirit: Life is the greatest journey you will ever be on.

Blessings  ♥

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