~ About ~

Who I Am

This is my sweet Hubby and our 13 year old grandson.
He's our silly clown!  He keeps us in stitches!
First of all I am a born again Christian.

I have been married to my wonderful man, Bill for 40 + years.
He is  an awesome hard working fella

I am a Mom to two beautiful daughters and 
one handsome son.
Between the three of them they have blessed us 
with 7 wonderful grand children.
One beautiful full of life little girl who is 5 years old and six handsome and energetic boys ranging in ages
16 years old to 5 months old.

This is me and one of my "little Angels"
 in my preschool class

I teach Preschool with 3 and 4 year old's and I also clean houses for others.

Some of the things I really enjoy in my spare time.....
My daily quiet time with my God, 
Spending time with my Husband, Coffee and Cream,
Yellow Cake with Chocolate Icing, 
Monday Trade Days in Canton, Texas,  
Blogging, Sharing ideas, Getting ideas on Pinterest 
and making some of them, 
Spending time and playing with our Grandchildren.

If there is one thing I have learned in my 60 + years of life it is when you put God first everyday and in everything you do it will amaze you what you have time for in a day!

May God bless you and 
may you be a blessing to someone else.

Betsy  ♥