Tuesday, September 23, 2014

How To Make A Storage Box

Hey Y'all!!
I'm a day late but here is my D.I.Y. Project.
First I must apologize for my blurry pictures.  My battery was running low.

I pinch pennies.  
And I have been wanting some storage boxes to get my Linen Closet...
not just organized but pretty and fashionable too.  
But my budget just won't allow me to go out and buy any.  
I asked my daughter Allie to save me a diaper box from one our littles 
so I could try to cover it and turn it into a storage box.

I first thought about using some burlap that I had in my craft closet, 
but decided it might be too hard to keep clean.  
Today I was in my favorite craft place...Hobby Lobby and found this awesome wrapping paper that was absolutely perfect!!   
And I had a 40% off coupon that brought the regular price of $4 .99 down to $2 .99!!  


I came home and got out my box and cut off the top tabs.  

Then I cut my paper being sure to leave just enough to tuck inside the top opening.

I made an angle cut on all 4 corners of the long edges.  
This will make it easier to fold the edges into the inside.

I folded the long edges in first. Taped it with good ol' scotch tape

Then I turned the pointed cut angels inside...

 Next I turned the edge inside and taped it down and finished the bottom end just like 
you would if you were wrapping a package.

 And there you have it!!  An absolutely darling storage box

And it only cost a few pennies to make!!!!
Now my spare bed linens have a pretty place to stay until I'm ready to use them again!!

Tell me what you have made from things you would've normally thrown away!

Encouragement For The Soul ~ Faith is putting all your eggs in God's basket, and counting you blessings before they've hatched.  ~Unknown~

 Blessings ♥ 

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